Bullying Prevention The Durango School District 9-R is committed to creating a safe school climate, conductive to teaching and learning that is free from threat, harassment and any type of bullying behavior. All types of bullying are regarded as unacceptable.
Use Safe2Tell To Anonymously Report Bullying, Threats and Dangerous Activity If your student is feeling threatened or bullied, or knows someone who is, be sure they know that Safe2Tell Colorado is available for them. Safe2Tell Colorado is for students who need to report threats to themselves or others - in a way that keeps them SAFE.
9-R Board of Education Work Session, Tuesday, March 8, 2022 The next Durango 9-R Board of Education Work Session is scheduled for Tuesday, March 8, 5:30-8:00 PM.
Preschool Registration for the 2022-2023 School Year Preschool interest forms are now being accepted for the 2022-2023 school year. Each elementary school has at least one full school day preschool classroom, and Needham Elementary also has a half-day program.
9-R Board of Education Updates Mask Policy Dear Durango School District 9-R community,Thank you for your continued support and flexibility as we strive to create meaningful learning opportunities for our students throughout the most recent wave of COVID-19. As cases and transmission in our community lessen, there is an opportunity for our district to adjust our COVID-19 response.
Spanish-speaking Parent Advisory Council with Superintendent Dr. Cheser Please join us for the Spanish-speaking Parent Advisory Council meetings with Dr. Karen Cheser, Superintendent, on February 24, and April 18. Click headline for details
Durango School District 9-R Board of Education Regular Meeting 2-22-2022 The next Durango School District 9-R Board of Education. regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 22, 2022, at 5:30-PM, via Zoom.
9-R Board of Education Coffee Chat, February 28, 2022 Join us for the next 9-R BOE Coffee Chat, scheduled for February 28, 5:30-7:30 PM. This meeting will be held via Zoom.
Required and Recommended Vaccines for the 22-23 School Year We know you’re thinking of all the things you need to do to make sure your student is ready for school. Getting vaccinated is an important part of their school readiness and keeps children from catching and spreading diseases that can make them sick and potentially disrupt in-person learning.
Durango 9-R Board of Education Special Work Session Recap February 8, 2022 Recap of the February 8 Durango School District 9-R Board of Education Special Work Session